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Old 03-28-2014, 02:45 PM   #23 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
"I'll keep that in mind. Wouldn't want her bouncing off the walls and all" That would just be bad in general. Maybe Jun would throw water on Lex to calm her down. But that was also discusses and pointed as a bad idea. It would also earn him hexes and jinxes his way. Nope, not happening. "You're a hexer too?" Could be why Cassia and Lex bonded. Him and Lex bonded over candy on the train and how deep their candy bags went. Then it was candy dates and hexes in the entrance hall. ..that was a really long time ago. Maybe Cassia didn't need to know that he too was a hexer. And smacked people with pans when he wasn't allowed to use magic. But Lex had given him ideas on torturing his cousin over the summer. Just had to choose which one didn't end him up in Azkaban.

Jun laughed. Did she really expect that? "Whiny and annoyed? Did I seem the type?" Maybe. But that was only when he was really annoyed with whoever was asking questions in the first place. But he wasn't this time. Not even the slightest. And it took a lot to annoy him, depending on the person too. "I'm hoping not because then I'd get annoyed with myself,"
She hoped that despite him not being a die-hard Ravenclaw he'd still be able to remember that like he said he would. A super hyper Lex wasn't something good. Mostly because of the down feel that'd get a hold of her. And because when hyper she'd need to let the power out, something that probably meant dangerous ideas which the snake wouldn't approve of. And maybe Cassia didn't want Jun to be the one who'd get to be part of the adventures by himself. Mhhm, jealousy. If she was to get any less attention, problems were to arise. " I am when I need to be," Which thankfully, wasn't something that happened regularly.

Leaning back against one of the walls, she shook her head,"Actually, no. But I expected 'none of your business'-like responses, since some might see it as me butting in," she snorted. Pffft. She believed so hard that she had the right to be here and give the talk. Call her nosy but now she'd sleep better at night.

"By the way, do you have a pet?" Collecting information and all. This seemed to be like a legit and important question.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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