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Old 03-28-2014, 01:52 PM   #21 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
Hm. Well, that was a given. No boyfriend should make their girlfriend upset in the first place. That was like asking for a full out smack to the face. Or a breakup. But some guys were stupid like that. So far, Jun knew that lovey dovey type of things bothered Lex. Gladly, he wasn't like that and it earned him brownie points in her book already. "I won't. Wouldn't make sense to get her upset for no or stupid reasons," Even if girls were complicated at times because they wanted to boy to always figure things out for them. Sorry, we're not mind readers here. Oh. "And not too much candy? She's told me about getting really hyper once and I think I told her that I would make her cut back drastically if that happened again," Jun couldn't remember. That was a long time ago when they were hanging out in a corridor. Or was it their date at Hogsmeade? See? He couldn't remember anymore.

He nodded. That he understood. "You're here to make sure I don't act like an idiot to Lex. Understandable. Any best friend would be worried," Maybe except his? Char hasn't really said a word to him about the whole thing. And she was the one who told Lex how he felt after Jun telling her to stay quiet. "And I happen to be the first one?" From what Lex told him, he was the first. Nodnod. "I wouldn't mind us being friends. Wouldn't be good if I didn't get along with her friends," It'll make everything too complicated.
NOW, they were getting somewhere. Cassia nodded approvingly at the boy. He had potential, this one did. Not to be too trusting or gullible but she could see that he was a good one. But since there was no one perfect she aimed to find out about his not so good qualities. Just to be ready for anything. She was a paranoid person who liked to have her thumb on such matters. "Good, good," she said. As for the candy issue he said just what Cassia wanted to hear. "Yeah, it sometimes gets really bad when she has a lot," she told him. Something he should know about that if he hadn't already.

"Glad you understand," She told him, "And trust me, I like the idea of everything going on smoothly and me not having to hex anyone," Since her punching skills weren't that good, not like Lex's anyway, who put her skills to use when the situation called for it.

She wondered how much Jun knew about the Aidan and Benjy situation but she assumed Lex gave him an idea. Probably didn't go through the details since they do NOT talk about the miserable couple of months last year. For both Cassia and Alexa. "Yup, you are," She confirmed. "Fantastic," she clapped her hands together delighted that the talk didn't go bad. "I'm glad I talked to you, Jun, I expected whiny and annoyed answers but got none," she told him as she gracefully bent down picking up the notebook. See, healthy joints.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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