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Old 03-27-2014, 07:54 PM   #18 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Yeah, about the bonus points he got, he might have lost some of them. Cassia completed another circle around him before she stood before him again. "Why are you intimidated? Or just jealous that my joints are dandy?" she said with a smug smile. How happy she was she didn't catch this disease. Phew. And no, snakes don't tend to be sensitive. Straightforward, is what it really is. Now that was a joke but a little harsh one perhaps, except that the snake wouldn't see it that way.

Back on track to the interrogation part. Now that she noted his noticing of her attempts she decided to switch to another scenario.

"That is in fact a very good question," The intentions one. She listened to him as he spoke while watching him like she was waiting for anything to show up on his face. Though, it wasn't like she'd been one of those who could read people's faces and see through their souls and all that.

Good enough boyfriend. Yeah, sure, don't they all. "That sounds awesome," she had to give it to him. "However, here's the thing about words," She told him chucking the book aside because really she got bored of it and really didn't know what to do with it when she needed her arms. Which she crossed across her chest as she straightened. Would have helped is she was taller or if she'd worn high-heels. "You say words, and you might mean them. You also might not, I'd never know," he surely saw it, too, right?! "And like you might already know, I really don't want anything to upset my bestfirend," Not because Lex couldn't handle herself had someone upset her but because Cassia would hate to see her in such a state. Again..

"You know, nothing's personal, but it might get so," See, now that was a tricky sentence, wasn't it? She stopped talking to gauge his reaction. Was he gonna storm off and tell her to stay out of it. Or was he gonna play along. They were like on a crossroad now. Not literally, since practically they were at the common room's entrance.
Intimidated? Pfft. Not one bit. Even if she was a prefect. So yeah, no intimidation happening here. "I'm not intimidated, but yeah, jealous that your joints aren't about to break off like mine," But why was he infected anyway? It's not like he hung out with lots of people. Maybe one of those few people got him infected. But which one? It was a small list anyway.

Jun watched as Cassia tosses her book. Hm, why was she carrying it in the first place if she was just going to get tired of it an toss it aside? Jun gave her a weird look at everything she was saying. What exactly did she want from him? Was she setting rules for him already? Wasn't it still. Bit too early for all that? "Actions speak louder than words, I know. So what exactly do you want me to do?" Because all of this vagueness was getting them nowhere and his joints were starting to hurt. "Do you think I would upset her on purpose? So far, I don't think I've upset her, unless she hasn't told me. Maybe you should go ask her that," Because he wouldn't have any idea about that.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
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