Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
"You can wait outside if you want," Spike said, as he watched her wrinkle her nose. It was quite palatable to him, not quite the glorious smell of manure or the greenhouses, admittedly, but not a bad smell. He'd certainly smelt potions ingredients that were far worse. "I know, I know," Spike said, though her words made him look almost longingly at the cages. So many new friends he could take home! Not that he should or had need to, since they'd adopted five new pets over the course of the last couple of years, alongside all the rest of their own menagerie. It was really no wonder they'd grown out of their old apartment.
He probably should have predicted her reaction about buying something for K'nid. "It's not exactly a present," he said with a frown, as he looked along the shelves. "I want one of those territory sprays," he added, as he picked up a bottle, and turned it over to look at the label. A skim read suggested it wasn't what it wanted, and he put it back on the shelf. "The idea being that we as humans can't smell it, but it'll smell awful to K'nid and prevent him going any further. I thought we could use it to mark the rooms he's not allowed in." He continued looking along the shelf, before picking up a small vial of solution. "This looks like it'll do the trick. Dilute a few drops into a spray bottle of some of the those in shed...reapply every one to two weeks..." There, hopefully that what stop K'nid riffling through Addy's drawers and getting up to mischief in all the wrong places. It was worth a try, at least.
"So what did you have in mind for the others?" There were a lot of them, after all. "I can get Namako some of those treat worms he likes. And the lemurs could do with some more toys for their playpen now it's been extended. Some ropes or swings, maybe." Matilda would be a little harder to satisfy, but given she was in her usual hiding place, he could always let her choose.
Madame Malkins? "Sure," he replied with a smile. "I need to get some for Finn's wedding. Did you have a different occasion in mind?" Since she was being stubborn about his friend's wedding, and he didn't see why he'd need dress robes, or robes for that matter, otherwise. Yup, he was oblivious to her true motives.
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