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Old 03-25-2014, 07:38 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Now that she was here, she was sort of hoping to come across her bestie, Blue! Or Dora. She hadn't hung out with them in a while and she didn't like that. It was odd them being in one castle and still struggling to find quality time. Life just gets busier as they grow up it seemed. Not a very pleasant thing but there was nothing she could do to change. She could only plot around it and try not making it a huge obstacle.

Back and forth, back and forth she remained moving. And both her hands got clammy from holding the book that it ended up under her armpit until one of her hands cooled. Was it going to take longer? She hoped not.

And speaking of which!

She had gotten really bored of this marching that she actually smiled at Jun, which wasn't what she had in mind. Not because she wasn't a smiler on the contrary, she was quite the smiling type but she had wanted to come off as intimidating and fearful and all that. Eeeh. Could they start again? That'd be stupid and weird.

But maybe a normal start wouldn't hurt. "Yup, that's me." She confirmed him and was glad that he didn't forget the badge. She was so going to play on the prefect card if needed. And he asked a question. She was supposed to ask those! She wondered if she should tell him that she came to talk to him or make it seem like a coincidence.

"Yeah, but that could wait," She didn't really deny nor confirm. HA! Back on track.

Readjusting the book, she hugged it to her chest and angled her body to face the Ravenclaw. "So, how have you been?" Judging by the wrinkles not so well health-wise. But a way to start a conversation "Lex told me interesting news," Talk about straightforwardness. She didn't feel like being subtle really. Not now.
Okay good.

Jun hadn't forgotten her name not her ..standings? Was that even the right word? Mostly likely not. But whatever. He didn't forget she was a prefect so that meant he had to behave. Not that he didn't with people who weren't, but she could get him in trouble for just giving her a wrong look. Pretty sure there were prefects of there who were like that. Let's hope Cassia wasn't one. Hm, guess prefects duties weren't important at the moment? Either way, she was here or something. And that notebook she was holding was making Jun feel any type of comfortable. But why worry about a notebook, right?

"I've been doing okay, aside from all the aging and stuff," And it was probably another reason as to why his parents wanted to transfer him out of here. He wouldn't blame them. Probably most parents wanted the same. Interesting news? "Oh?" Grin. Jun didn't know why but he grinned at what Cassia said. At least she ripped off the bandaid from the situation. "I'm guessing she told you about us?" Because there wasn't really any other interesting thing Lex could tell her about him.

Except dying his hair all the time.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
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