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Old 03-25-2014, 05:35 PM   #11 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
She was on a mission. A very important one that represented friendship and morals. Although, she wasn't on this only because it was a bestie!dute nor was it because she felt like returning a favor to Alexa. She was here because she was truly concerned. And being here meant that the snake approved seventy percent of the whole thing. Had she not approved she wouldn't be present here to seek a conversation. She'd have been sitting in the dungeons plotting something Slytherin-y.

Perhaps it was better for humanity that Cassia decided to drop by the Ravenclaw's common room for a talk.

Waiting by the Ravenclaw's common room's entrance seemed like the most logical thing to do. She didn't know much about the person she sought to know where that person might be hanging around in this hour of the day. She hoped he would be either leaving or entering the common room.

With a notebook in hand, she marched back and forth by the entrance.
Fresh air is just what Jun needed.

It was becoming too stuffy in the dorm that he hang left only for classes. Sometimes he even stayed there for classes. It was too painful to get out of bed. Also, laziness was the cause. Anyway, after spending about two hours outside, under a tree and writing nonsense, he felt like it was time to go back inside. Ugh, stuffiness again. Maybe he should detour around but then more effort was required for that. Plus, Jun just remembered about writing to his cousin about her sweet sixteen over the summer. Then gift planning and hopefully she wouldn't put him in her court. Which probably has already happened. At least it was a party, even if adults would be everywhere.

Finally reaching his floor, because Jun decided not to detour anymore, he headed towards the bronze knocker. But someone was pacing back and forth and they seemed familiar. "Cassia, right? The female Snake prefect?" That's all he could remember at the moment. And they did talk a bit back when they first met at the Three Broomsticks. "Are you looking for my house prefects or something?" Because obviously she wouldn't be looking for him. The only prefect who'd probably look for him was Lex. And well yeah, she wasn't around at the moment.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
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