SPOILER!!: Victoria :)
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Bazinga Victoria gave the new girl her best smile, “Don’t apologize, it’s rough being new. I remember it. Mariel and I actually came in together.” It as nice not being the only new person in the department and it helped bring their friendship to what it was. “You will be flying around the office knowing everyone’s job in no time. Just don’t be afraid to ask if you need help.” That’s what they were there for, right? If you couldn’t help each other than who could you help.
“Plus when we are working so closely together it’s easy to get moved around on who does what. We’ll give each other a hand when needed.” Maybe not as closely as her and Mariel, but Vic would still be around when needed, but it would be nice to have everything out of the office. “I’m assuming you have some rule books and up to date rosters? We might have to work on getting those if you don’t So much is still in the ministry.” She walked back over to her working area and grabbed a few things, “Here are list of teams and the names of their managers. That should help you to start off with.”
She took the file and opened it. Eyeing her new coworker over the file a moment, not that she didn’t know what she was doing. HA, if she did would she be asking for help. Victoria didn’t really care either way, she was happy to help. Looking back at the file she shook her head, “Men” was all that came out before she handed the file open back to Langen, “See here he has had multiple Blatching and it looks like Mariel has filled out reports on him before. I’d say you will have to make a trip to the Cannons and speak with him, a fine and possible short suspension might be in order once you talk with him and the manager.” Why did these players feel the need to think rules didn’t apply to them. It was so annoying.
“So what you are going to do is fill out this paper work about your recommendation on how this is to be handled, then you’ll have to make the trip to meet with them.” She had a back bone didn’t she? Mariel could put those players in their place, but she hoped a young cute girl like Langen could as well.
Woah. More paperwork? Things were kind of happening fast around here. Langen decided that she was going to have to catch up and do that quick. Very quick it seemed. The brunette was already called on for a task and had to jump up and look like a good worker. That was what she wanted to do. Look like a good worker. Keep her job and such.
Okay. She had to fill out a report and talk to the player who had broken league rules. She could do that. She was rising up to this challenge, wasn't she? And the taller girl tended to have a fierce way about her when she tried. She would just have to keep her wits about her and not be intimidated by athletes. Easy, right? Merlin, she hoped if would be at least sort of easy. Because the brown eyed girl was trying to prove that she was actually good at this.
Also, blatching? Really? Men was right. It tended to be the aggressive ones who did that, wasn't it? She tried twice before in her sixth year and got suspended from the team for a while. Because that was inappropriate conduct. Apparently, trying to harm another player intentionally was not something that quidditch was about.
"Thank you, Victoria. I'll start on that now then? I think I'll take your advice on what to do. Suspension for a while and then I'll have to go and talk with him, won't I?" She cracked her knuckles and then sorted out some papers and put the report in front. That was going to be completed now.