∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Quote:
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape Brad just stood there smiling like the idiot he was. Because he'd managed to anger and probably embarrass Haley and he was just now realizing how bad this was going to end for him. Hopefully she wouldn't kill him in a room full of witnesses. "Come on Hales. Lighten up." Right. Because that was going to work. Brad had an idea of what might actually work. "Want some pepperoni pizza? My treat." Great big innocent please don't murder me smile. She was infuriated. The blonde could actually hit him in the head with something heavy and not worry about him being dead. For at least ten seconds now. That was how angry she was with him. She worked here. She WORKED here. People she saw every day were here, and they definitely didn't see the side of her that he did. This. Wasn't. FAIR. She'd managed to confine her intense listing and organisation to just work, but now she was flustered and couldn't home in on the things she was supposed to do and be at work.
Haley was a mess.
And it was his fault. He got a glare and a smack to the arm for suggesting she lighten up, and then Hales shook her head. "I don't want pizza from you. You're strange and awful and my cheeks are warm."
__________________ [Grimoire]__________________________________________________ ____________  |