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Why did Theo look so surprised? Did he not realise that she knew him reasonably well? Bliss didn't say anything though, she just smiled and let the conversation move on naturally. Nothing more needed to be said about her lateness or Theo's feelings about that. She was her now and that was that. On second thoughts, talking about being late would no doubt be better than this, she thought as Theo asked another question.
There were going to talk about this?
"Well ... yeah," she mumbled, unsure what else she could say about that. All the memories of that day came flooding back - the awkward silence on her part, the new roommate that had been her replacement and Elodie breaking and rushing forward and ... yeah. "She did," she said a bit louder and fidgeted unhappy. Why did Theo have to bring that up? Sigh. She quickly moved on, snatching at the topic of home, simply for something else to think and talk about. "Home's alright, I guess. My siblings are mostly happy about being home, but mum's not really .. better." Pause. "We're all okay, though. Dealing. Adjusting." Hopefully in time things would be back to how they were before, or at least back to some sort of normality.
Hm. Bliss raised her eyebrows, not completely convinced, especially after having spoken to West. She knew about Dora things, but she didn't want to pry. If Theo was going to tell her things, then he would. "You sure?" She prompted anyway, regardless of what she'd just been thinking. She just to be sure and also so Theo knew that he could open up a little more ... if he wanted to.
Ooooh, quidditch!
That she could talk about. "We should play together sometime," she suggested. She wasn't 100% sure that non-players could use the pitch to practise, but she could find out. If they couldn't, they could always play together out of school. If he wanted to.
He knew it all along, buuuuuuuuuuut curiosity. "
Right... well... that was lame of her." There, he wouldn't take it any further. He would just let Bliss know that he was on
her side over that meanie
Elodie Robins. Was that her name? Back to the home discussion, there was another thing that Theo wished he hadn't brought up, too. He nodded slowly as she answered. "
That's good." He managed. gAHH... he was terrible at comforting, okay?! Did she want a hug? He had gotten good at those, you know.
I'm glad you're back, by the way." Progress.
Ehh..." He shrugged his shoulders but tried his hardest not to look too miserable. "
It's been a crappy term..." Theo considered his own answer and wasn't sure if he could even explain his reason. He paused and then looked at her with a less serious face, "
But at least I'm still gorgeous, right?" Compared to all the old fogies wandering round the school. Honestly, he would never get tired of seeing them all moping and whining, it was flipping hilarious.
His expression softened a little, just in case Bliss was feeling sorry for the others. Didn't wanna annoy another Hufflepuff, did he?
Oh? Sure!" Theo said a little enthusiastically. He hadn't played Quidditch for fun in ages - it was aaaaaaall about the competition, but maybe it could lighten the load a little. "
And... if you want, you should come and watch one of mine and West's matches." Did she know he was on the Under 17s team now? He wanted to tell her...
casually. Especially since he wouldn't be on the team much longer since he was almost of age.