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Bliss had absolutely no idea what time it was right now. She knew she had no lessons today, so she'd pretty much only just rolled out of bed. Everyone else in her dorm was gone by the time that she'd woken up, which was a relief. Having to face people in a morning was just the worst. It was a good job she'd gotten up now, though, as she'd arranged to meet up with Theo to catch up as that had proven difficult before.
Quickly checking the time, she realised that she had less time than she'd thought. It would seem that she'd slept through most of the day.
After quickly getting washed, dressed and making herself presentable, she hurried off towards the Main Hall. While she walked, she tried to brush through her hair with her fingers, but it was too tangled - hopefully the look she'd achieved was more 'casual-messy,' rather than 'just-got-chased-through-a-jungle'. She could only hope. When she reached the hall, she very quickly spotted Theo and her face light it. It was always good to see a friendly face. He was even sitting at the 'Puff table. Wow.
"Hope you haven't been waiting too long, Theodore," she said earnestly, once she reached his side, before sitting down beside him and aiming a grin up at him.
He wished Bliss would hurry up 'cause sitting at the Puff table was quickly making him uncomfortable. He couldn't help but start to wonder how often these tables and benches got scrubbed down... and then he shuddered. Bleughgh... But it didn't take long for Theo to shrug off these thoughts, because Bliss
finally made an appearance. He still jumped a little when she approached him, though. "
Oh... no, not been waiting long." He LIED.
He'd been here for AGES.
GRRRRR... but no really, he didn't mind.
Theo smiled back at her and let silence ensue for a moment. She looked a little windswept, and he immediately assumed that this was an inconvenient time for her. "
You all right?" He asked casually. Why had he chosen to meet her HERE? There was nothing to do HERE other than eat food. Speaking of food, he wanted food. He wanted all the food.