He turned his head in the direction of where the man gestured at. Apparition. He belonged there right? He sorta remembered that mmhmm. And just when he turned his boss said something about their belongings still being stuck elsewhere.
"Oh.... alright Sir." he nodded his head distractedly. He needs to see his stuff for certain memories to trigger yeah? Well maybe later
or not
And well he didnt have stuff to bring here other than his wand and a self-inking quill. But yes off to the workstation he goes....
And then somebody mentioned about
pirates. He looked up from the dazed staring at his blank desk. Why so curious? Boys and pirates. Thats all the explanation needed really.
"There were Pirates here?" cue more confused looking around. Although with the stench of things it seemed more like the booty was of a more piscene variety.
"And hello-- uhh...." oh goodness. Name? Faces have names yes? Cue awkwardly polite waving.
So the other departments had to find office space at an Underground and an Asylum. Ok so maybe their fishy situation aint so bad after all
not that he was complaining. "Sir, should we wait for them to call or should we go make our rounds? Perhaps set up a temporary transportation network for each department to use? At least get us connected again instead of being segregated." Which exposes them to more prying Muggles.
And as for freshening the air
"Uhm... how about some ceiling fans that occasionally sprays a fine mist of fragrance? It would help circulate the air a bit too."