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Anna looked in the mirror trying copying her professor's movement first, then tried to make sure she was saying it right, "FRON-TISS - AL-EH-VAY-TUSS!" Always good to say it slow first, right? She repeated it a little faster, but paused, for some reason she'd slipped and instead of 'Al-eh-vay-tuss' it came out 'Eh-a-vlay-tuss'... At least she wasn't waving the wand yet right? She gave a slight giggle to herself at her slip up... They were ok, after all right? So long as she didn't end up hurting another student or something on those lines right?
She tried again slower that time and smiled catching it easily that time. Annaleecia spoke a little quicker to put it together and got most of it out clearly. She smiled and did it again, coming out almost exactly as it was supposed to. She nearly squealed in delight and smiled, "Frontis Allevatus!" K... She was pretty sure she had that covered... now to find someone who needed to get rid of the wrinkles to test it on, right? After all, she didn't have any wrinkles right now.
Bay saw what looked like a young Hufflepuff working on her wand movements and pronunciation as well… and she seemed to be doing a great job.. moving over towards her Bay stopped at her desk..
"Errr..Hi.. I'm Vic--- Im Bay" he said while smiling at her..
"I was wondering if you wanted to partner up with me to practice the spell?" he asked… what could go wrong right..