02-27-2014, 02:17 AM
Charms 2 It's a fine sunny afternoon and a perfect day for a lesson on Charms. When you walk into the classroom, the sun is shining through the windows that are opened just a crack to let in some fresh air. The classroom is set up normally; desks and chairs are in their proper rows and aisles. The black board is cleared off and Professor Fuller sits at his desk, happily awaiting the arrival of his darling little students.
.... Scratch that.
Professor Fuller is currently reclined back in his chair, his legs slung over the corner of his desk. His head hangs over the back of his chair and his mouth is hanging open. He's snoring, too. Oh, and is that drool? Yeah, that's probably drool. Was it time for class? Class Progression:
2. Swish and Face-lift
3. Reverse them gray hairs |