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Hogwarts RPG Name: Aurora "Orr" Opal Fifth Year | heehee I am so looking forward to the action! Ravenpuff Girl / \ Bookworm and Music lover Text Cut: Emily and Aron Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Oliver was a good sport for getting things started in terms of evasion. Emily didn't have the patience for introductions and hands up to talk thing. She was far beyond schooling. Plus, it gave her the opportunity to mess around, paint dots on peoples elbows and observe them up close and from a distance without them even noticing. A clueless bunch, weren't they?
It was a decent turn out, and she was pleased to see that MLE were well represented, needless to say, she wouldn't have been pleased if they had missed this.
Emily meandered through the gathering of people, avoiding touching them and so forth, though occasionally she blew in their ear or the back of their neck for fun, nudging the lack of their leg so their knee gave out expectantly. The beauty of it was, since the action was so deliberate and indeed unexpected, the sensation of their knee giving way was the perfect masking agent to her touch.
Wandering around, she was able to see who was engaging, and who was coming to socialise, she tsk tsk tsk'd in her head as she witnessed the chatters, they had her eyes on them -- and they didn't even know it. They obviously needed this training exercise and were too foolish to see it. "Brownie points to Escalante," Emily chimed, her voice projecting over the throng of people -- even the chatty ones. "Disillusionment or camouflage, and invisibility... are perhaps the easier ways to evade muggles... and magical folk alike." See? Or no, they wouldn't... she was still very much camouflaged by the charm. "But many of you are on the right track..." she added, her voice coming from again a different area of the gymnasium, she was on the move. "Transfiguration also works a treat, if you're convincing enough." Such as Aron, excellent sofa he is, comfortable one too. Especially considering that new DERP Head made herself at home on him. Heh. "Though by all means you're not restricted to these options."
Having reached Oliver's side, Emily broke the charm with a wandless finite, and let the people see her. She wiggled the small brush coated with red paint at them. Conversation and growling in their direction worked best when there was eye contact, not that she was growling, she wasn't... yet. But anything was possible. "Blending in with muggle attire, sure, you can. But it's perhaps too generic, and I expect more from you lot.. not to mention, you are easily seen by muggles even if you're not wearing robes." Pfffttt.. they were not here to play dress ups ok? Ok? She did not sign up to run a dress ups session with Aron and Oliver, because the mere thought of it had her wanting to gag. "I would have also accepted emergency apparition," she added nonchalantly. "That being said, I'm sure you're all smart enough not to do so with muggles actually watching you - but we'll get to statute violation prevention later."
Emily wanted to get to the fun bit, no point dilly dallying and chit chatting when there was work to be done and skills to be learnt or practiced. "We're going to start by playing a little game, getting you evading and the like. But before we go through the activity and rules, those of you who I marked with red paint, could you please step forward?" ... because yes, that was all her doing. They were too oblivious to notice they'd been marked, Had she been a dark witch, they'd be dead. Be this a lesson learnt. Annnnnddd it was for fun, so, you know. "Check your elbows," she prompted, because she knew she'd tagged a few. Even one of her own MLEers, were they brave enough to front up? Heh. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
For the record, he was NOT squishy. Worked out regularly to avoid being squishy. Toned bloke over here. Mmmmhmmmmm.
"Good thing you came today then," he smirked at the woman before giving her a quick wink. Couldn't tell the difference between a real sofa and a wizard transfigured into one was a start. Served a dual purpose for some of the people in attendance anyway. "Got to keep everyone on their toes. Expect the unexpected."
He tapped his forehead with his index finger to give Oliver a lazy salute when he got things rolling, turning to face the woman who had sat on him another look and grin before he started making his way towards Oliver and the now visible Emily. Heh, red paint. Apparently she hadn't taken his suggestion of using yellow. Less creepy that way.
And we saw the looks Jade. Aron gave her a quick wink before he stood beside his co-runners and waited for the real fun to start. Sure, theory and blah blah blaaaaaah whatever was what it was, but he had had enough of that with meetings. Time for some action.
She wasn't surprised. Okay not so surprised that this was really a disguise for MLE to give them training as her boss joined Emily giving Jade a wink in the process. She shook her head at that-- Bossman didn't miss anything. He was a little creepy that way. Although Jade thought that Oliver would have given an semi-not boring lecture. Not that she would tell him that.
Magical means to evade being spotted by muggles was a good idea but really what was wrong with telling wizards to also wear muggle clothing when out among them and not to mention anything magic?! That was her way of evading detection. But she had to admit to herself that this training was looking to be really fun.
And she checked her elbow just in case. Nope no red paint if that is what that red glowy colour was.
She looked around to see who would step up and show their red elbow.
__________________ When you're ready come and get it, nah nah nah, nah nah nah, nah nah nah. |