Thread: The Back Alley
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Old 02-23-2014, 06:52 AM   #24 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Delilah pursed her lips as she waited for Lou's reaction. Honestly, this was literally the worst, dumbest, STUPIDEST thing ever. Because one, he wasn't her boyfriend. And two, he might like someone else so he probably wouldn't even appreciate her asking.. and three, Lottie was going to kick her in the butt. She had no self-control whatsoever.

.... But then, her eyes suddenly widened. He was suddenly VERY close.. Wait, what. Did that mean.. He was going to kiss her... OHMYGOODNESS. Yes, she'd kissed him before but that was before she realised that she liked him.. Now.. she just stared at his face lips as it kept getting closer and closer....

.... AHHHH. Delilah smiled and closed her eyes, just as his lips met hers. Okay, see. Now she knew what she'd missed out on. It was so perfect.. SO perfect that she didn't want to stop kissing him. Like, never ever.

And, yes. Delilah knew she should just pull away but she really couldn't bring herself to. His lips tasted so nice and she was feeling so warm.. Yeah, no. Not happening. So, she just deepened the kiss.

It was all out of his control at this point. Louis knew - he knew - just how wrong this was, he knew he had to finish it just as he’d been the one to start it, he knew that this was all completely WRONG. But. He couldn’t. At this point, his mind and his body weren’t agreeing, and while his mind threw every possible warning sign at him, his body had plans of its own.

Without thinking about what he was doing, the boy allowed his right arm to wrap around the shorter girl’s waist while still holding his wand, while his left hand came to rest gently on the side of her face. He pushed her back a couple steps without realizing, lips still locked with hers, until the loud echoing in his head became too loud to ignore. As much as he wished to continue to tasting her lips, he HAD to stop. This was ENOUGH.

Abruptly, Louis’s blue eyes flickered open and he pulled back enough to get a clear view of the girl’s face. OH GOD. What had he done?! Realizing his hands were still on her, he quickly pulled them away, taking a couple steps back to give her back her personal space. Ohmygod, this was SO WRONG. Delilah was his friend, for Circe’s sake! He wasn’t supposed to be kissing her! And certainly not like that! He had no idea what had taken over him.

“D— I’m so sorry,” he immediately apologized, eyes staring at the floor as he felt the heavy weight of shame settling upon his shoulders.

— the sun & the moon
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