Originally Posted by
Lady of Light
Delilah looked sulky but kept walking. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck here alone without any light. Although, she was pretty sure Lou wouldn't just leave her and walk away.. but still.
... And she just remained quiet when he apologised. She wasn't exactly sure why she was so mad at him but she was pretty sure it didn't have much to do with him being bad with directions. And then he went on to say that she could basically punch him in the face once they were out of the stupid alley.
"I don't think damaging your pretty face is going to make me feel better, Lou." Kissing his face would, though. Not that she was going to say it aloud, obviously. Delilah continued walking, rubbing her hands together before pressing her palms against her cold cheeks. "Thanks for the offer, though."
Louis felt his heart sink when Delilah decided she didn't want to damage his 'pretty face'; he'd secretly been hoping she would, her lack of willingness to interact much with him at all was worse than a slap to the face. He wasn't sure what to do, what to say. He didn't even understand why she was so upset in the first place; sure, he had royally messed up in the directions, but he didn't think the situation was
that irritating. Perhaps there was somewhere she needed to be and he had delayed her?
The next few agonizingly long minutes were filled with nothing but silence, except for the occasional sound of a stray cat rummaging through the garbage bins in search for food.
Lou couldn't take it anymore.
It wasn't supposed to be like
this. Delilah was the first person he'd met at Hogwarts, they were supposed to be friends, they were supposed to talk and joke and laugh!
"D, what's wrong?" he finally asked, coming to an abrupt halt. Yeah, he didn't care if they were still stuck in the middle of an alley running the risk of getting kidnapped or attacked or whatever. He wasn't going to take another step until Delilah gave him at least a CLUE as to why she hated his guts so much.