Thread: The Back Alley
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Old 02-21-2014, 09:10 PM   #11 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post

Delilah walked alongside Lou, trusting him to take her to Honeydukes. YES. She needed to stock up on a lot of sweets.. especially chocolate frogs. But, it looked it that wasn't going to happen anytime soon 'cause they were lost.

She raised an eyebrow as they entered a dark alleyway.. What. The girl stopped walking abruptly. Her hand reached out for Lou's An excuse to hold his hold, yeah?, her eyes widening a little. "Lou, please tell me you know a way out of here?"

... Nope. Delilah wasn't scared. Not at all.
Louis had to squint his blue eyes to see anything. The weather outside was already rather gloomy, due to the dark grey winter, and being in this light-devoid alley sure wasn’t helping make the way any clearer. There was a creaking sound somewhere in the distance, and then the clatter of what seemed to be a trash bin falling to the ground.

When he felt Delilah’s warm hand wrap around his colder one, Louis turned his gaze in her direction. He could barely see her in the dim light, but he felt absolutely terrible to be responsible for her feeling scared or uncomfortable in this eerie place. Gahhh, he knew he should’ve asked for a map or something!

“We’re going to get out of here, I promise,” he said, giving the girl a reassuring smile, though she probably couldn’t see it in the dark. “But first I think we’re going to need light.” With his free hand, Lou pulled his wand from his pocket and whispered, “Lumos” then waiting for Delilah to do the same.

— the sun & the moon
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