Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Mariel thought over Victoria's words. No.. she certainly didn't think her promotion was a bad thing but her friend's whole demeanor was off. She wasn't exactly sure what this vibe was that she was getting from her, but she didn't think it was just about her being in charge of the department now. But she didn't really know. She allowed a light smile to lay on her lips. "We'll just have to do a little cleaning and it will be fine." Not that she completely bought that herself or was all that keen on the idea of having to clean before they could do any of their regular work, but she had to be a good example for everyone now. "And I don't think it will be for too long."
The brunette glanced over at Saxon as she addressed her again. Sort of.. yeah. Mariel knew exactly what she meant, but she'd address that shortly. "Very much so," she said with a small smile as the blonde asked about her new position. She was rather excited about the plans she had for this department, but that would come in a bit. For now they really had their work cut out for them. Mariel nodded to Saxon's next words. "Great way to look at it. Yes.. instead of just closing things down completely, at least we all still have our jobs. Way to think positively, Saxon." And she knew that was true herself even if she'd rather not be somewhere so.. dirty.
Hearing footsteps behind her, Mariel glanced over her shoulder and gave Charely a small smile. "Morning.. no, no you're fine." Still had a few more minutes till she really wanted to start the meeting though it did strike her as somewhat odd that he hadn't arrived with Victoria. They did still live together, didn't they? But that wasn't really her business.. for now.. and her green eyes fell on both of them for a moment as he sat next to her.
She glanced at her watch as her employees engaged in a bit of small talk, then glanced behind her again as someone else walked in. Green eyes followed him all the way to their makeshift meeting area. Mariel knew he looked familiar but wasn't sure they had ever met. He was one of her Patents people, wasn't he? Must have stayed to himself on that end of Level Seven. "Hello.." Mariel began with a faint smile in his direction. "Ryan, isn't it?" At least she was fairly certain after going over all her records.
Alright.. it was time to start. Anyone who came in after now would just have to get updated from someone else. They had far too much work to do for her to wait any longer. "Morning everyone," Mariel greeted them all officially now as she grabbed one of the folding chairs and slid it around in front of the group before sitting down. "So.. welcome back. I suppose we should start by talking about our new.. arrangements." And she hoped they knew that she wasn't exactly pleased about it either and that it certainly wasn't her choice. "Certainly not ideal, but it was something of an emergency situation so that we could all get back to work." That was important, yeah? She was sure most of them needed this job and the bills wouldn't stop coming if the paychecks did. "As I told you in my owl, the Ministry has somehow become inaccessible. Quite simply, none of the entrances work. As of right now, there is no way into the Ministry so the Minister has secured relatively safe locations for each of the departments. I trust that the appropriate people are looking into this problem and I do hope that this is a very temporary situation." She was sure the rest of them hoped that too. Seriously, who wanted to work in a dirty airplane hangar. She doubted the Muggles that once worked here did either. That's probably why they abandoned it. "Anyway, for the time being, we will have to use Muggle transportation to get here until Transportation can get out here to set up apparition zones and Muggle repelling charms. I trust that no one had any difficulties this morning?" At least the ones that were here. Maybe the rest had some trouble. "So.. yeah, airplane hangar. This is going to be our meeting area. Back there," Mariel pointed to the back of the hangar where the large doors are, "Can be used as our break room. There's a coffee cart in the corner.. some magazines.. if anyone wants to bring a game from home, sure. Fly your broom back there if you want." She tried to smile a little. They could make this work, right? "Out in the back is what Muggles call an airplane. Inside is designated for use by Gobstones," she said, glancing at Saxon and Charely. They'd have to deal with it the best they could just like everyone else. "Right behind you here in that door," she pointed to the door near where they were sitting, "Is a room for Ludicrous Patents," she nodded towards Ryan. "On the other side of the hangar," Mariel pointed and gestured opposite of them, "Is my office if you need anything. And the stairs just above that leads to a loft for the Quidditch offices." They could go explore in a little while after the meeting. "Everything is filthy, not any better than what you see here unfortunately," she said with a rather unimpressed look. "Our first order of business will have to be to clean everything up before we can get started on our actual work. I don't think it's an issue to use magic inside the building, but please be careful that no Muggles are wandering in. We don't need that kind of hassle. So, cleaning spells are a must." She refused to do manual labor without a wand anyway. "I was thinking maybe we could bring in some Quidditch posters to brighten up the place and help it feel more like Level Seven." And of course her flowers in her office. "If anyone has any other ideas to make this place more bearable, I'd love to hear them."
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |