Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Oh new office place. Well this should help him quite a bit yes? No? Oh well he's here now.
Vickers gingerly made his way to the new work area. It was totally new, and in his current condition finding something familiar would've been better suited to getting him settled in and back into the swing of things but alas that wasnt the case. He could at least console himself with the fact that he wouldnt be alone sticking out like a sore thumb in looking a little lost.
As he picked out his table the young man couldnt help but turn and look around in amazement at the charms along the walls and the ceilings. Environmental charms, he quite liked those. Although for some reason he doesnt quite remember the thunderstorm that once drenched everybody in the old office.
So there he goes, standing and staring with silly grinning.