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Whoa, there WAS someone here! William straightened up from poking at the coffee pot's plug and grinned at the other guy in the room.
Wait, he COULD be a Muggle. Though why a Muggle would want to bring their pet to an abandoned clinic was beyond him... unless they were trying to kill it of course... but this guy didn't even have a pet with him, did he?
Willy pushed back his ball cap a little so he could better see the guy. "You uh, you new here?" He didn't recognize him, so he could be new. But he could also be a Muggle! Had to be cautious, see. If the guy knew where 'here' was, then he was cool. But if not... well, William could be a bouncer if he needed to be.
He saw the man playing with a coffe pot, thank goodness for him he knew how to work one... Ohh he was speaking to him
"yeah...i am.... Errrrrr..." he trailed off..... How do i ask him if hes a wizard.....then a lightbulb went off in his head...
He could always as if he works for the ministry... Thats could be anything right??
Walking up cloesly to the man he asked quietly
"are you with the errrr Ministry? his brazilian accent coming through... He hoped this man was or he would have to pull out his wand real quick to make him forget.