Originally Posted by
Lady of Light
Delilah was still a little confused about Ella's new nickname for her but she'd ask the Head Girl about it later. Weird, though. "Great." She watched as Ella sat down, still very curious about the nickname. She wasn't sure why she felt so annoyed about it though.. Maybe because Lou was the only one who called her 'D' and she...didn't want to be reminded of him at the moment. ANYWAY.
"Yeah, I am. Except for the weather." Delilah wasn't sure if she wanted to leave this warm pub anytime soon. "How about you? How are you doing?" You know, after Ella nearly collapsed in the dance class the other day. She looked better though.
The weather, Ella understood about that.
"It's too cold. I can't wait for spring, honestly. Even my bones feel cold right now." And that was an extremely unpleasant feeling in case she was wondering. Just...yeah, not a fan of the cold at the moment. Speaking of, some hot chocolate sounded really good right now. She'd have to grab some of that a.s.a.p.
Something in the way her housemate asked how she was doing annoyed Ella. Like there was something clearly wrong with her and
D knew about. She resisted the urge to frown as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shrugged.
"M'fine. Just a bit tired lately, is all. I'm sure it's nothing."