SUMMER FOREVER Text Cut: David! Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl It seemed like a lot of students were heading for the sweets shop, so David was thinking maybe he should try there first. Or maybe that'd be too desperate or something? Maybe he should try somewhere else like...the prank shop. Zonko's? There weren't a whole lot of people going there, so it wouldn't look like he was lame and just following the crowd, but he also wouldn't look anti-social or anything. Yeah, that'd be good.
He was just about to head there when suddenly something ran into him, catching him completely off-guard. He stumbled forward a step or two, but otherwise didn't fall or anything dramatic like that. All good. Yup.
Turning around to face the girl who'd run into him, he grinned. "It's okay, don't worry. You alright?" That was the nice thing to do, make sure she was okay too, right? Delilah directed her blue-grey eyes towards the boy before she nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I'm good. I just.. I didn't look.." She flushed slightly. See, she really should be more careful. The girl looked at him curiously for a moment. No, this boy definitely didn't go to Hogwarts.. or maybe she just hadn't met him before. That was possible, yes. Although, that wasn't very probable. She probably would remember his face. "Do you go to Hogwarts?" She asked,
Last edited by Lady of Light; 02-16-2014 at 11:03 AM.
Reason: Typos. Ew. >_<