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Old 02-16-2014, 01:25 AM   #12 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Terry
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post

These names were so unfamiliar to the Slytherin but there were hundreds of students at the school and it wasn't like he would know every single one anyway, especially if they were in a different year or house to him. "Well make sure you don't abandon them either" he smiled. "Believe me, OWL's are extremely important but they're not worth losing friendships over." Not that he thought she would but it was a possibility. And studying wasn't fun, you always needed a short break every once in a while. He couldn't help but frown a little when she spoke of her family and her mums potential disappointment. "You shouldn't feel like you have to live up to them" he protested. "You're your own person, you might be 300 times better at something than they are but not so good in others. It all balances out." Like Terry's talent lay with certain subjects and he had to drop others because he really wasn't very good at them.

His lips curled up into a satisfied smile at her statement as he watched her. "As much as it pains me to admit, I like you quite a lot too" he teased. He nodded as she spoke of meeting her other friends, perfectly happy to socialise and get to know more people. "Why not? It helps to make connections across the school" he grinned. That was one thing he didn't mind doing, meeting people no matter their age or house. Yes, he was probably closest to those in his own house but that didn't mean he had no friends in others.

Why would she even question that? "Of course I'm sure" he nodded, knowing fully well that he had intended to pay for her since the day she had asked him to accompany her. "I'm not going to let you spend your money on trivial things like eating out." She might need it for other purposes. "It depends what you like" he answered her question with a small shrug. "I love the fish and chips but I've heard the sandwiches are pretty good too." Urgh, he was so hungry.

He thought that she might lose friendships over her OWLs? Ana really hoped not, especially not Lux or Terry's friendship. Because she liked the two of them most out of everyone she'd met. "Well, I'm pretty sure Bay will understand since he's in my year so has been studying like mad too. And Lux, well she's only a second year so she might not understand as much but I'm pretty sure she'll stay my friend. And Tessa I've known for years, since Beauxbatons actually, so she'll definitely not abandon me. What about you? You wont leave me just because I've gone study crazy will you?" she asked, leaning closer towards him and tilting her head slightly, tone mock serious. She was pretty sure he liked her enough for that to not happen.

"I do know that," Ana sighed, leaning back in her chair slightly. "But I also have to do well to set a good example for my younger siblings. They've never really had Sasha or Liza to look up to as they were never around for them like they were me. See Vaska and Katya have always lived with my mum and step-dad but Sasha, Liza and I lived with my dad full time, but I spent more time with my mum than they did after the divorce. And when my dad passed they were already seventeen so at University, while I moved in with my mum. I will try not to go overboard with my studying though," Ana promised. If she did it was likely to just wear her out and end up with her doing badly on her OWLs because she was run down and unable to perform to her true potential.

"Hey!" Ana exclaimed, leaning forward and smacking him lightly on the arm. "I take offence to that. I'm clearly the most fabulous person you know. You should be proud to be my knight," she said jokingly, a small smile playing on her lips. She knew he was joking, but that didn't mean that she couldn't play along. "Good. I'll set something up then when we get back to the castle. Maybe we could have a picnic together or something," Ana suggested, remembering how much Lux said she enjoyed those. Ana enjoyed them too so she thought if she set up another meeting, this time between everyone, she could do another one. It would be nice.

He was sweet to be paying for her. He definitely didn't have to, Ana was more than capable of paying for herself, but if that's what he wanted to do then she wouldn't protest. She'd just have to get him something in return at some point. Whether that be later today or on another trip was yet to be decided. "Umm, I think I'll just have what you are," Ana finally decided. She liked fish and chips, so if he was getting that then it would be a good choice. But she wasn't really big on sandwiches unless they were of the Cucumber variety.
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