SPOILER!!: And pretend I didn't take this long to respond
Originally Posted by
lemon Why had Cambridge, of all students, been made Prefect? The girl definitely had the spirit for it, but she was more irresponsible than even Alice- which was saying something. Being a Captain, she took her duties to relate more to sports and the general welfare of her house rather than trivial things such as making sure the little ones observed curfew. Who cared if they had circles under their eyes? Letting them face the consequences of their actions was as good a punishment as any. But since their only other student leader was off doing Merlin knew what, it was her job.
And she was grumpy because of it.
But the seventh year did her best thinking after hours and had insomnia because of certain things anyway, so it wasn't like SHE planned on observing curfew. As soon as all the baby lion cubs had been tucked in, Alice had gone tailing after her beater, following her trail all the way to the laboratory. Potions? Alexa had ditched her responsibilities in favor of schoolwork? Something was seriously wrong with that thought.
"What are we brewing and who are we testing it on?" She hopped into the seat next to Lex's cauldron and gave her expectant looks.
... well? Surely she didn't expect Alice to trust her by herself after midnight with things that had the potential to explode?
Lex had gotten to the back of the cupboard by now, having unpacked almost everything without any sign from Felix that the cauldron might have been boiling. Was he just being lazy and not telling her or was the potion seriously going to take its time when she had a Common Room to get back to?
The Prefect grimaced at the amount of dust on the jar of flobberworm mucus. When's the last time anyone even used this? You could plant a garden with all the dust this thing had!
She turned to locate the cloth she'd been using on the items in another cupboard and spotted Alice entering. Was everyone in bed then? Alice was more responsible than she was. There was no need to expect otherwise--unless she came to complain about something or someone. Lex....wasn't interested. The girl should have made the long walk to the Greenhouse and told Professor Bentley instead. Oh but no she was asking about the potion.
"Erumpent Potion and I dunno yet. Next kid to royaling tick me off? Or maybe just anyone if I'm bored enough." She would have explained what it did but Lex was positive Captain was better read than she was so....
"Thought you'd gone to bed. Did someone set the Common Room on fire?"
Oh there it was. Lex snatched up the cloth and go to wiping.
"Is that thing bubbling yet?"