cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy Harper ran into the candy shop and away from his Mummy when she wasn't looking. She was being so mean lately and he didn't know why. She'd even made Daddy leave the house and 'Melia hadn't been back since Christmas when Mummy told her to leave and not come back when she tried to get them to let him go visit with her. Daddy had said yes but Mummy didn't want him too, something Isaac and not wanting Harper near him. He didn't understand why not though because 'Melia loved Isaac, she told him so. His Mummy was just a meanie pants. He was sure of it.
Now she'd dragged him here to go shopping at some place he didn't remember. She'd met up with other grown ups and they were saying mean things about Daddy. Besides he wanted sweets and she'd said they could come in here but she'd forgotten. Harper hadn't though and he had money left over from Christmas so he could buy some of his own sweets and then get back to her.
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