Having waiting what seemed like an age to Justine, she peered into her cauldron to see to her pleasure that the potion had indeed separated, and the solid bit was now a sparkling pink and the remaining liquid was still a vivid green.
She smiled softly to herself and quickly vanished the liquid.
The only thing left to do was to rub the solution on her face.
Which Justine was suddenly very nervous about, was she really supposed to rub this on her face?
her face? What if she'd done it wrong? Justine wasn't keen on this bit at all.
Originally Posted by
Waiiiit. Nooo. Could they go back to the slow pace they were going? Her eyes widened a bit when the instructions were written on the board. So much writing. Her wrist was already aching. But she could do this. Only two long steps. Then she could have her ever so desired nap.
Setting her quill down when she finished writing the last steps down, she proceeded to crushing the sopophorous beans. Again, couldn't the professor just order it crushed for them? It'd speed up the process and save her the trouble of using muscle. But they needed to be crushed now, so crush them she did. When she deemed them crushed enough Beverly added the juice. Then reached for the wooden stirrer and stirred five times counter clockwise.
Then waited. For what exactly?
Beverly glanced down at her parchment and squinted at it. Oh. Right. Yeah. She totes remembered to wait for it to precipitate. Waiting was no fun, but took it as an opportunity to rest. She decided to wait until the excess liquid evaporates since it seemed to be doing just that. No need to walk for an unnecessary thing, y'know?
After a minute or so she peered into her cauldron. Sparkling pink. Soft-looking too. That was a good sign, yeah? Checking her notes, Beverly nodded to herself. Yup, yup. That was definitely a good thing, and she seemed to be right about done.
Finally, step after step, it was time to try this out. The third year stared at the pink substance with wary eyes. She had to reassure herself it wouldn't melt her skin off. She was skilled at Potions... or was it Charms? Bah! She didn't remember, but it was one of those two or hopefully both. Taking two fingers she grabbed about a Knut size portion of it.
It was now or never. Did she want smooth skin again? Heck yeah.
Looking to her side, she saw a girl, not much younger then her and after some small consideration, she decided to ask the girl about it.
"Bon jour, excuze me mizz?" Justine said, her French accent coloring her words.
English Justin, you have to speak English. She scolded herself, hoping the young girl wouldn't think poorly of her for her mess-up.