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Squishy Sigh. "You called me Lisa." Being as patient as possible since she understood that this was not Laura's fault; and really she felt sorry for the older girl. "Do you want to look for your brush? Or go somewhere else?" Gently reminding her in case she had forgotten why she had even came here in the first place. Lux would not mind helping the girl look, but Hogwarts is a huge place and it could take a while. She also had a feeling that Laura would have forgotten where she had already searched, or even what the thing looked like. Oh dear, this was going to be interesting.
Laura looked at Lux. "When?" Laura was sure she had called Lux, Lux since well that was her name. "Brush what brush?" Laura was getting confused now, which wasn't much these days. "I don't have you brush if that what your trying to say." Laura was shocked that her friend was accusing her of steeling her brush.