banner by sweetpinkpixie
The large office reserved for the Department Head, has been stripped wall to wall and ceiling to floor, and extensively laden with security charms creating a net of impenetrability. These charms, hexes, jinxes, curses and a multitude of advanced spells cross over and intertwine in numerous places making it impossible to get into and impossible to eavesdrop upon. Anyone who has tried have found themselves permanently without ears - how unfortunate for them.
The office contains a distinguished mahogany interior, and there are two large wall-to-wall shelves spanning the back and side of the room occupied by thick tomes of various colours and sizes. A large world map has been fixed to the wall beside the door, with a deliberate tangle of coloured string with photographs and newspaper cutouts fixed to the areas of importance. The focal point of the room, is the large desk and leather chair which is reserved for the Department Head, though it is usually unoccupied. Emily doesn't wish to encourage people to visit and 'chat' for extensive periods of time, preferring to keep people on task and active in their roles, so the two chairs reserved for guests are less comfortable than the norm.
The handsome fireplace on one of the walls has only a few direct floo links, and these are password protected – restricting those coming in and going out. The password changes every week but the links are always active. If anyone were to try to floo their way in or out without the correct password, they would find themselves in one of the holding cells on Level Two. In addition to this, Emily keeps a monthly calendar engraved in the desk. It changes as the month turns and is only visible with a spell Emily would have to teach you herself, should she consider you to be significant enough to be privy to her plans.
Emily keeps her work extremely organised and secured, the only papers you will find on her desk when she's not present are those which have not long ago found their way into her in-tray. But there have been a recent addition or two to the room, giving it a personal touch it was previously lacking. A photograph of her adopted son
Zeke is one such example which sits on the corner of her desk, though one would typically not notice it, owing to the fact it is facing her, and her alone.
As a result of the nature of MLE, Emily spends as little time in her office as possible, preferring to be out and about on business, or mingling with her employees, feasting in the food court or stocking up on coffee for the copious amounts of paperwork which will need to be done when she indeed confines herself to this room. For this reason, her door is always locked and well secured, so unless
you're the Senior Undersecretaryyou know the password of the hour, and are exceptionally skilled in the art of survival, you could, avoid dismemberment and spontaneous combustion, and get in.
The office can be used, with permission from the Department Head, for division meetings if the conference room is in use, or if a smaller, more intimate setting is required.
You are here.
Please read the thread description before posting here! This is not a public thread, but anyone is welcome to have their character knock on the door, assuming they have come through reception first. Emily probably isn't in, though, so it would be best to make an appointment first.