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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Text Cut: Precioussssss..es? Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy Cassie listened as Jessa rationalized her shorts wearing in winter. She had learned to just not argue when she made up her mind about something. It was also best to not question it either, if you valued your mental heath. Did she need to add that the season and weather was the best part of fashion, being able to change your style with the season. She absolutely loved this idea! But not Jessa noooo...
She let out a quiet snort. "And I'm team, on the fence." Cassie chimmed in proudly. "Which means my hair will still be very fly by the end of this tournament, while you two sweat. "Why thank you, I know." She winked at him and grinned. "I'm going to be both your cheerleaders." She looked between him and Jessa. "If I don't cheer for her I'll get looks and stuff..." She chuckled at her best friend's statement and nodded. "Yep that's right and this royal highness needs to get herself some pom poms." She frowned when she leaned to get another bite and found that the treat was gone. Jessa got a grudgeful glare. "This is why you don't get pom poms." Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Oh they were going to clash, were they? Fletcher raised a flirty eyebrow and waited for Jessa to explain. But no, she seemed content to munch on that apple fritter thing. So he picked up some food too, while the girls were talking. A quesadilla here, some... prosciutto thing there. Mmm. Smelled good.
"Red Re'ems." Fletcher made a soft tsking sound as he popped a meatball in his mouth. "You're golden alright," he said after swallowing, "but you're also GOLDING dowwwwn." Geddit? He could be punny.
Grinning at his joke, Fletcher watched the roommates go back and forth. "Yeah, I picked up on the diva thing the first time we met." Just look at her, talking about hair being sweaty and whatever. Fletcher rolled his eyes with a smile. "You can use meatballs for my pom-poms," Fletcher suggested, "and toss one in my mouth every time I get a strike." Now that would be motivating.
A drink, any kind of drink, was very much needed now that she had swallowed the entire humongous bite she took. Jessa leaned aaaaaaall the way to where there empty glasses were, and poured herself some pumpkin juice float. First sip was almost spat out when Fletcher used a pun. "That's cute, that's cute." She chuckled, and waved his words off with her hand, taking another sip from the glass.
Team on the fence her behind. Sweat? Jessa blurted out, "Sweating can be so hot." And took a big gulp from the glass, hiding her grin.
Fletcher's meatballs suggestion wasn't half-bad! "You hear that, Cassie? He's turning you into a lackie. You don't have to feed me while I play, I thrive off love." She gave him a smug smile. "You can't be on both our sides-- oh oh! We need to have a bet!" This was getting exciting! Jessa looked at both of them expectantly before she offered her GENIUS idea. |