SPOILER!!: Jorge :3
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His eyes glanced up as another woman walked into the room (Jasmine) she got one of his signature charming grins, “Hello” but she was on the other team it seemed. Well that was fine they needed more skirts to have some fun with . Though he couldn’t help but admit his team was going to distract the others with their gorgeous forms. As the other dragon teammates talked and gathered he looked at his little group of members.
As Jasmine was sitting with her teammates, she noticed a guy from another team was checking her out. She gave him a nod and a half grin.
"Hello..." she tried to sound polite.
"Your not on the purple dragons are you?" she asked him quizzically.
SPOILER!!: Simon :3
Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
There were others(Val, Jasmine, Nolan) joining the lanes but they designated them as Purple dragons, seemingly willing to keep with themselves for the most part. Okay, so Simon could let them be and not bother them. He had said hello before they could choose to answer or not...entirely up to them.
Jasmine saw another dude. Man there were a lot of people in Diagon Alley. She turned around and noticed him. She smiled and politely waved and said, "Hello!"
SPOILER!!: Another team member :3
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Why couldn't they be the Pink Dragons? She was all for variety in her wardrobe, but really, pink suited her best. Brought out the little bit of blonde left in that curly head of mostly white locks, you know?
But fine. Purple. Fine.
So there she was, in a purple pantsuit (Lucia didn't wear anything but pantsuits, nothing else said she would chop people up like that RAZOR SHARP CREASE in her trousers), ready to kick some team random color loser animals BEHIND with her old lady shoes. Yes.
"Purple dragon here! Hellooooooo." Where were her TEAMMATES?
Jazz saw another team mate. At least she wasn't the only girl. She waved and nodded tried to be all cool like.
"Heyyyy I am Jasmine or Jazz for short."