#100147 Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler It had been a loooong while since Cleo had been in Diagon Alley. Being away in France for school for a bit, then trying to find a job there after she graduated, it seemed the last time she had actually been there for more than a few minutes was when she interned there. She made a mental note to inquire about working opportunities as she walked up to get a ticket.
Wow. And last time she had been there, her darling Maman had made her wear torture devices as shoes. She giggled, quite uncharacteristically, as she looked down at the worn boots she wore. Nice and cozy and COMFY, which was the most important.
So yeah. Tickets. Cleo extended a manicured hand (again the work of the lovely Mrs. Rawthorne) and took a ticket. Hmm. Doubtful that she would win, but might as well try anyway.
Last edited by Govoni; 02-06-2014 at 06:02 AM.