Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Well couldn’t we cut the tension with a knife in this room. He glanced up as another male showed up (Val) really a lot of men on the other team. Maybe it was better that way. Maybe Maria will find some eye candy of her own that was close to as nice as he was to look at and not be so bitter towards him. He couldn’t help but still glance at her though, Merlin that dress. His grin turned into a smirk as she spoke, “Wouldn’t mind that excitement involving you again.” He just couldn’t help himself. She was thrilling and gorgeous. “Oh I’ll be bowling. Maybe we could make it a little more interesting.” Old habits die hard and his were showing their true colors at that very moment. He couldn’t help but chuckle at her animosity towards him. He leaned a little closer to her and whispered, “You know you are even more beautiful mad.” He stood a bit straighter knowing this was not a good idea, so he turned still chuckling at her last comment.
His eyes glanced up as another woman walked into the room (Jasmine) she got one of his signature charming grins, “Hello” but she was on the other team it seemed. Well that was fine they needed more skirts to have some fun with . Though he couldn’t help but admit his team was going to distract the others with their gorgeous forms. As the other dragon teammates talked and gathered he looked at his little group of members.
That’s when his eyes locked on sparkle and he didn’t mean from the shrunken heads. Mariel was always so confident it was something that attracted him to her. They shared that in common for sure. He grinned as she walked right up to him and kissed him, of course he kissed back maybe a little awkwardly but he certainly put his arms around her for the split second she seemed to be there. [b] “What do I think? I think we are sure to win, because every man in this place will be watching you bowl. You look amazing.” He looked her up and down and decided they might not make it until midnight with this huge group. He glanced as she said about teams, “Well this group is, that is the others playing on Lane Six.” He was going to introduce her but she focused on something else. She seemed a bit hyper tonight. He was enjoying watching this. Glancing towards Maria taking her in he felt a little uneasy and excited. The two together gave him ideas that he’d just keep to himself. “Those are our festive bowling balls.” He kind of liked them.
Then she was away from him and oh Merlin she was near Maria. He eyed the girls, but didn’t go close. Oh but his eyes stayed on them. They were just so lovely to look at. Picking up his drink he finished it and knew he was going to need to go to the refreshment tables again very soon. His attention went back to Simon as the man introduced himself, “You work for MLE don’t you?” Great he knew he looked familiar and then it hit him. He was at that trial Jorge had covered. So he was going to be with three beautiful women that he knew well, some women he didn’t know at all, and MLE great Happy flipping New Year.
He looked back to the man (Fletcher) that had first said hello and nodded, “I’ll need it.” and he wasn’t meaning the game. He slipped off his suit jacket, was it feeling a bit hot in here?
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