From the left, a woman was walking over to the seating area, holding her four year old daughter. The kid was looking over her mother's shoulder at literally everything, as though the room might vanish if she didn't take in every detail. Her blue-green eyes flitted back and forth as she waited for her mom to put her down. Because the kid wanted food.
Why bring a kid to a bowling game like this? Well, the mom considered herself an okay bowler -read: didn't throw the ball into the gutter EVERY time- and wanted to watch people who bowled better than she do their thing. And two, the mother and daughter duo were cooped up in the house all day and the kid promised she'd be good. And so far; she was!
Anyway, the pressing matter of food and seating.
"Asher, do you wanna sit down and watch the game?" The little blonde leaned back and nodded, smiling as she blew a bubble with her bubble gum. Thank goodness it was sugar-free. And with the nod, the mom gently let the kid down and smoothed out her wrinkly Lion King sweater. It would've been way less wrinkled, but the kid refused to take it off and they were entering their second day of Lion King.
And then there was the matter of the rainboots. The four year old absolutely REFUSED to take them off. And since it was near New Year's and they kept the kids feet warm, it didn't matter to the mom. As long she her outfit slighty matched and she didn't get gum in her hair.