Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Text Cut: laaaaaaadies Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul The perfect night Jessa was positive of having today would not be perfect without food - dessert, to be specific. So, she lost her friend somewhere by the bowling lanes, and was drawn to the food table like a pixie was to antics.
Ooooh, another dark leather jacket. Was it that man from the opposite team back there? Jessa passed him from behind and was searching for the sweet-tooth goods, if they didn't consider adding-- her eyebrows went up in her forehead when the guy in the cool jacket talked. She leaned forward, rattling some dishes accidentally and not caring about it, and saw his face. "Comrade!" Her grin came with a wave, "Fancy seeing you here. In a cool jacket. By the food table." Fate was just getting better and better.
She did look back at the couple some steps away from them. Nope, didn't know either. Jessa gave them polite smiles, anyway. Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy Where had Jessa goned?! Really she invited her out to this...THING and then she went and got herself lost and left Cassie alone with all this very average people who she did not know. Ugh you have lost a point Jessa! She had a slightly annoyed frown on her face by the time she spotted her friend and would have probably launched an attempt at scolding her friend (which would probably be ignored by the way) when she got a pleasant surprise. "Fletcher!" She moved to greet to tall studly ex-hufflepuff with a hug. "Fancy running into you here." That frown she was wearing? Yeah that was gone completely and replaced by a beamy smile.
Off the hook this once Jess.
Well never mind Charlie, he would catch up with her in a minute. He had more pressing issues on his mind. Would you looooooooook at thaaaaaat.
"Jessa!" Fletcher grinned right back at her and glanced down at his jacket for a moment before looking back at her. And down at her legs and then back up at her face. "Fancy meeting you in here... are those shorts?! In the middle of winter?!!"
Yeah, he was right. She WAS crazy. But crazy hot, too. She could rock those shorts. And just as soon as he was finished looking at her, another little looker came right along.
"Casssssie!" Fletcher let out a surprised laugh and gently hugged her back. "Well well, if today isn't my lucky day... I finally get to see both hot roommates in one room." He was totally going to win this bowling thing. Luck was a lady tonight!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |