C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
Cutty still sat upon his raft, adrift upon the vastness of his dreamt-up ocean, when out of nowhere a seagull came flying in low and clearly, in no uncertain terms told him, "You all did great!". Then gave him these instructions... "Once you finish, put your water goblets on my desk. Class dismissed!"
Oh, yeah. That was definitely Professor Fuller's voice the bird had been speaking with, which could've only meant that class was indeed over. "Finite.", the Slyth casted casually ending the effects of the charm. "Pack!", he gathered his things back into his school bag. "Thank you, Professor Fuller." He managed to remember to thank the Charms instructor before making his way out to the corridor. This was going to be the year that Cutty Mordaunt was trying to be nicer to his teachers. Just like Tobias.
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