2 Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler Marigold fetched her goblet of water and prepared herself mentally for the spell. MHMHMHMMMM. She imagined herself happily sitting with her friends. A few names, well actually a lot, floated into her mind as she went to zen mode. Ronnie, Maureen, Kace, Hazel, Ella, Lesta.
Maintaining this dreamlike state, Marigold lethargically took her wand out. She chanted Sentio Somnium in her brain twice, then said the spell. MHMMH. "Sentio Somnium."
But THEEEN certain PEOPLE came into her MIND which did not WANT THEM THERE and she lost her focus.
Gah. Her water just cleaned out her throat, not made her dream. She tried to escape her annoyance by humming and going back into that dreamlike, confident, concentrated state.
OMMMMM. "Sentio Somnium." |