1 Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler SO YEAH. Imagining things. This should be fun, yeah? Marigold was still a bit disappointed that the classroom in the beginning was just a daydream, but it had been a while. She could TOTALLY get over it.
Buuut the food had looked so goooood *tear*
Anyway. Practical bit. Marigold GRINNED at the Professor and was happy because CHARMS. She practiced the incantation first. "Sentio Somnium." She rolled the words around a bit in her mouth, tasting them. THAT WAS WEIRD 0.0 She practiced the wand motion a couple times as well, ignoring her cracking wrist.
Okay, water to daydream, here we go!
Last edited by Casey O; 02-05-2014 at 05:44 AM.