Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... So he was going to take Jorge up on the coffee mugs thing. Alright he didn’t mind at all really. “Make mine red.” He grinned and looked to Kenrick, “What color mug would you want?” If bossman was getting them personalized should get to pick your own color too right?
He chuckled at Basil’s words, “I’ve been against worse men than that one. Don’t worry so much. I’m a professional remember.” Oh and Kenrick seemed interested. “Well I had went down there to check out some of the shops and to see if there was even anything interesting going on, which there wasn’t place seems like it’s about to be condemned. I’m not sure how those shops even stay in business.” No one around but him, really you would think something interesting would have happened while there, but nope nothing. “I had this pretty little thing fall into me and when I was getting acquainted with her this Goblin shows up.” He cringed his nose at the thought of the thing. “I knew I was being followed, but the next thing I know I’m dancing with the Goblin, the wizard that was following me thought he’d have some fun or something with the imperius curse. Once that was over we exchanged words, the man thought he’d be oh so funny by putting a mole on my nose and taking my hair.” He was still grinning and even chuckled, “Obviously he doesn’t know me very well. I don’t give up because of some childish curses.” He didn’t get to where he was by giving up.
Looking over to the boss again Jorge shrugged, “Nothing is coming back against the paper so don’t get your knickers in a bunch.” Knickers that was a word these London people used, right? He had read up on his terms in his Spanish to English books. A look of amusement crossed his face, he was seriously making the man sanitize everything. Honestly Jorge didn’t have to worry about getting those underwear in a bunch they were already bunched one to many times.
His smirk was back as he looked confused at his boss. “No one ever shorten your name? I didn’t same Bass, I said Bas you know short for Basil.” Ah whatever, he wasn’t worrying about it too much. He respected his boss, but the man was a little on the odd side. “But maybe if you came out for a night you wouldn’t be so miserable. You need to have some releases. It would be good for you.” Everyone needed to let loose and have some fun. He grinned as Kenrick seemed to agree. “See Kenrick thinks so too. Guys night and at the end of it if you meet someone so be it. Success either way.” Come on Basil you could use it obviously.
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