Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Jorge chuckled amused at the look he was getting. Boss man did know he was joking, right? The man was so uptight at times. Brilliant at his work, but uptight as all get out. Paycheck? He eyed the man for a split second before chuckling again, “Boss go ahead and buy yourself a few, maybe even get them personalized all on me.” If that’s what the man was worried about no big deal. He was a single male and had been for some time, he could afford a few coffee mugs.
His mischievous grin plastered on his face as he glanced at Kenrick was it then back at Basil, “You know me so well.” He chuckled, “I was down there checking a few of the stores out. You never know when you are going to find something exquisite and worth the risks.” He leaned back on the sofa like the huge mole and the baldness weren’t even there. “In Rhonda I had plenty of people I knew in an alley just like that one. Came in handy for some of my stories. Can’t say it wouldn’t be a bad idea here as well. Could have had some witch to be just that if this wizard didn’t come along and decide to use a few curses.” Sipping his coffee he did get a few mumbles of “Stupid imperius curse” and “make me dance with a filthy Goblin.” Though he did find the humor in vanishing the witch once she fell silent and was no use to him any longer.
He watched in amusement as Basil freaked about germs to Kenrick, really? “Bas calm down. Kenrick seems completely safe to me.” He grinned at his boss, “You know what you need? A good night out on the town, some fun to loosen up.. if you know what I mean.” He chuckled and sipped more of his coffee. “I’m pretty good at finding the best fun, maybe we should go for a drink after work.” He looked at Kenrick, “You can come too.. I can make a good wingman.” His current situation in the ladies department was a bit complicated so he would just tutor on how to find the fun, not really take place.. hopefully.
Oh and now he was getting notes this took his interest. Maybe the man had some good leads on something interesting. Since the MLE story he felt he was running rather dry on good pointing fingers, stir up drama, Jorge style articles. Though his one he had been working towards about the school was starting to come around nicely.
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