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Old 02-02-2014, 05:06 PM   #86 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Christopher "CL" Lee
Third Year
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|

SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
SPOILER!!: students!

Figures the first thing to be mentioned would be one of the most common. "Cars are only as dangerous as the person behind the wheel," Josephina challenged. "But they're not as expensive as you make it out to be. I mean sure, they cost more than a broomstick or floo powder, but they're also more durable too." Just saying.


Hadley raised an eyebrow at the next answer. "Well for short distances, than I reckon this might be an acceptable answer for transportation. I don't recommend attempting to pogostick from London to Scotland, for instance. But if you wanted to use it locally... It'd be a similar experience to roller blading." Reaching for her notebook, she jotted that down. That would actually be an exciting experience...

"Planes. Definitely one of the fastest methods muggles use to get from place to place!" Hadley agreed. "However, from an economics standpoint, its not feasible to start a plane up for traveling short distances...." There were better methods.

Yes. Motorbikes. Smaller versions of automobiles. Holds less people. But definitely effective methods to get from point A to point B." Look. Even not teaching Arithmancy, she still talked about points.

Oh good! Someone else knew that cars were NOT dangerous!

"I agree with you. Cars are not dangerous. Not like you could splinch yourself or something, if you were driving a car." You know, point that even apparition is dangerous. "Or hit your head too hard or pronounce your destination incorrectly, if you were traveling via floo. All kinds of mishaps could happen even with magical methods." So to say that cars were super dangerous would be disregarding the dangers of other transportation methods, magical included.

"Buses are very common. Particularly if you can't afford your own automobile, as it'd just be a couple pounds for a bus ride."

"It depends on the bus. Some buses are cleaner than others, but it's probably best if you make sure you wash your hands before and after riding a bus. Keep your hands away from your mouth and nose." You know, all the basic principles they learned in primary school.

"Yes. Subways. Very good explanation of what they are too. Trains that run underground."

"Yes. Helicopters. Slightly more economical to use than airplanes, if you were traveling shorter distances, but didn't want to worry about traffic." Just had to worry about the weather.

"Yes. Ferries are very useful boat-like methods that allow you to cross a body of water. Good, good." Hadley nodded.

Hadley simply nodded at the Ravenclaw Prefect, who suggested cars, as well.

"Yes but taxi cabs might be more reliable, as it doesn't rely on accurate pronunciation to get you to the correct destination." Hadley countered.

Skateboards? Clearly Alexa and Toby were on the same mindset. "Skateboards, though, like pogosticks, I would not recommend for long-distance traveling. Short distances, fine."

"Yes. Interesting, isn't it? How we use boats in your first year to take you across to a magical school, when boats are, by very nature, mundane. Non-magical." Hadley stated. It was ... coincidence, perhaps?

"Yes. Bicycles. Anyone could ride a bicycle, unlike the motorized version where you must be a certain age." She wondered for a fleeting moment, how many of them knew how to ride a bicycle?

"Yes. Segway. Very convenient to navigate through busy cities, actually." Probably more convenient than the skateboard or pogostick. It was more .... directional.

"Trams. Yes. Like subways, except they run above grounds. And not on tracks. Good." Hadley nodded at the Head Boy.

"Sleighs too, yes, but they're not very practical for daily traveling..." You know, just her two knuts worth.

"Airplanes, yes!" Hadley nodded at the first year and then the seventh year, who suggested the same as Lux had before. "Again, not practical for short distances, but for longer distance traveling, they're VERY common."

Hadley nodded at the next two Lions who suggested subways and then trams. Two ideas already mentioned, but the two students got a nod regardless.

"Carriages?" Hadley asked, arching an eyebrow in confusion at the next suggestion. Cause if it wasn't that, then she had no idea what the girl was talking about. Were they pulled by bicycles though, or was it by abraxans horses?

"Carriages. Not to be confused with what totes babies around, but the kinds that you sit in with a cover. Very outdated though as they're not very effective methods of transport, but regardless they're still exciting to ride in. They're generally pulled by something. Such as a horse." So good answer then?

"Yes. Train." Hadley nodded, to the five billionth person who suggested it.

Hadley nodded another student who suggested pretty much the same methods as everyone else.

"Segway. Yes." Someone .... That Ian Tinker boy, she thought, mentioned that already. And described what it was too. But so did Bart, he just got what it was called wrong.

"Hogwarts Express is technically a form of muggle transporation, albeit not one that muggles use. But muggles DO use trains. Just not THE Hogwarts Express."

"Yes. Inside buildings though, muggles actually use transportation that is very similar to us wizards, however. Elevators, or lifts. Escalators. Skylink walkways. Staircases."

"Yes. Unicycle is another method used, similar to a bicycle, except with only one wheel." Hadley nodded.

A motorcycle. Metioned again. Hadley simply nodded at Messer.

"So there's all kinds of Muggle transportation out there, from whether you're speaking about ground travel such as cars and taxis and pogosticks, to air travel such as airplanes and helicopters, to water travel such as boats, to rail travel such as trains and subway systems, and finally to indoor building travel," the last of which only ONE person described a method of. "... such as escalators or elevators." She paused, checking her notes briefly. "There's also transport via pipelines or cables, though these two transportation methods are generally not meant for people travel. In fact, we actually discussed cable transport last year, with electricity." You know, just to prove a point. Though they didn't call it transportation, it technically was.

"Transportation, by definition, is the movement of people, animals, or goods from one location to another. Today we'll be discussing Ground Transportation as the method of muggle transportation." You know, just so that's clear, though they did technically do an overview for all types out there, but they were focusing on keeping their feet on the ground, so to speak.

"Let's discuss some history first. We know now that automobiles, trucks, motocycles, buses, and bicycles are the primary uses of road transport, but before all this existed and was made possible, what was one of the first methods?"

Bay raised his hand, for he knew all about this.. his favourite books to read were Westerns and boy howdy did he knew the answer for this question "Professor.. they also rode horses by themselves and horses that pulled buggies.. i've read about them in my western books" he quietly added in.
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