Astronomy HW 1 Post 1 cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy
Ana trudged up to the Observatory, ankle aching as she did so. She could feel the cold in her bones, which was strange for her. Despite having spent time recently in warmer climates she was Russian. She was used to a climate that could, quite often during the Winter, be described as freezing. The cold was what she rejoiced in. Now though it seeped into her and was worse at night. Especially now when she was dragging herself from her bed just to do Astronomy homework. Not that she'd be getting much sleep anyway. She was finding that near impossible.
Ana sighed in relief as she finally reached her destination and took a moment to catch her breath before going to the telescope. She hoped it would be easy to find what she needed. She didn't want to be up here for too long.
Looking through the telescope for the first time Ana had a little bit of trouble locating anything of significance. She was sure that she was looking at the right place to see what she wanted to see. Frowning she stepped back and pulled out her wand. It seemed she'd need magic for this little endeavour after all. "Lens focalis," Ana said, swishing and tapping her wand as she'd been taught. Hopefully that would make things easier.
Putting her wand away she stepped back up to the telescope to look through it. Much better. She let a satisfied grin form on her face as she quickly located the Andromeda Galaxy. Score!
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