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Old 09-10-2003, 09:37 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Alley Drendo@Sep 9 2003, 10:59 PM
I don't exactly write,I just do.I have no control over what appears on the paper.
I don't express myself,and I can put what I write in words.I can't be judged,and thats what I like.I just write.It also gives me a weird sensation.That sensation is stong enough to post it up.Here it can't be judged.
Oh my gosh, yes i know - thats exactly the way i write! I really can'tcontrol what comes out onto the paper - its like this wierd thing, but it's great because it always comes out different! sometimes i also formulate somethign in my head and then write it down later - and its still really cool.
What shall I call thee when thou art a man?

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