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Old 02-02-2014, 09:19 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lucas L. Rodemiere
Third Year

Originally Posted by Talikins View Post
There was a noise, or something coming from the branches not too far away but Abbi didn't think much of it other than it must have been the wind. She was too busy talking to Lucas to notice anything else anyways.

"Against me? Mhhhmm??" She eyed him all questioningly. What exactly did he mean by that? She wanted to know, she did.

This was seriously talking to like some firstie that knew nothing, heck even firsties knew a little more than Roda did by the sounds of it. Had he not read, heard or even just talked about anything to do with this forest till now? Maybe that's why he was so eager to venture out here in the first place. Unprepared people. Tssk. Tssk. "Yeah, apparently they can kill people and all." Scary things those were. Mhhm.


"I KNOW RIGHT? LIKE WHAT IF WE DO! WE MUST TRY FIND ONE." Nevermind the fact that shouting would attract predator creatures over tame ones.

Only frowns were being worn now, because she didn't like what Lucas was saying one bit. She wasn't sassy, she just showed people when they needed to be showed...or that's how she saw it, anyways. "Don't forget I have permission to kick you down there, when you hurt me." Just a FRIENDLY reminder now, wasn't this?

Nod. Nod, then nom nom cause marshmellows. Multi-purpose it was.

Such a boy, never meeting a fairy. Heh. "Yep! I've met one tons of times." In her dreams. *cough* "But they're VERY secretive." Like more than centaurs in her opinion, well the human sized ones anyways cause the little ones were pretty and lit up and all."What creatures do you like?" She asked.
Lucas nodded indignantly. "It's.. so fuzzy. I always have to.. you know what? Don't PICK on me, Owlie. That's all I'm saying." SEE?! He couldn't even get THAT sentence out without difficulty. And it wasn't the nervous, squirmy lack of articulation he usually had, it was like sometimes she was so quick and he was so busy staring at her, his brain struggled to keep up. These were REAL issues.

The Gryffindor gasped in unmanly splendor. "What like.. PREDATORS?" Merlin. This was exciting. SCARY. But also exciting. In any case, he was PREEEETTTY sure Abbi would save him from whatever was in here. She'd probably just stink eye it and then it'd be so intimidated it would run away. See? He was going to be fine.

Finding a unicorn couldn't be easy, or everyone would have them as pets. "Is there like a song we can sing to summon it?" Of course, he was entertaining the notion that a unicorn was like a sparkly puppy that came at will. "Like a rain dance.. but not for rain. For unicorns."

Lucas did stifle a yelp when he realised he had not impressed Abbi. "Break your heart," he repeated seriously and then frowned at her. "I like it. You're funny. And witty." Just don't hit me where it hurts? he pleaded in his head. "Hmph," he grunted, eyeing her up and down. "Don't just hit me because you feel like it or you're grumpy. We made a PROMISE." UH HUH. Secret kisses traded for secrets were SECRET and SACRED. Hmph.

Oh man. Fairies were proving harder to find than unicorns. "HERE?!" he exclaimed and looked around him. "But wheeeeeerrrrrrre? ..You scared them all away because you were being so mean to me." He giggled. Oh. OH. That was so hard. "HELIOPATHS AND DRAGONS." FIRE AND FIRE AND FIRE. "What about you? You can't say fairies cos they're your friends. What else?"
Captain Awesome?_________________________________

_________________________________.....Fidget works too.
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