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Such a futile activity. Really. She got the spell, okay? Just... stupid balls. Alice didn't want to do this, or be here, or learn how to chain a dumb Chort up anyway. It wasn't as if she was ever going to see one in her uninteresting lifetime, was it?
"Ligatenous." The seventh year was still quiet, and her aim was a bit better this time. The chains burst forth and shot directly towards the red ball in her line of sight, only to be blocked by another set of chains and get all tangled up.
Turning to see who the interceptor was, her eyes landed on West.
This was still stupid.
Success was sweet. West turned a smile on Alice and essentially acted like nothing was wrong. He even winked at her and blew her a kiss.
Playing up the jerk card today, apparently.
Originally Posted by
All she could do was try again...She'd almost gotten it in the classroom. The chains had reached that dummy and had almost latched on. They had been so close!...
Taking a deep breath, and possibly feeling even more determined than before, she glared at the stupid balls zigzagging to and fro. One of them...was going to be hers. Ves was GOING to catch one, dangit. SHE WAS.
...and for a moment, she was up in the air on the quidditch pitch...carefully watching Cat and West speeding towards her with their complicated maneuvers...trying to anticipate their final approach and dodge it...Her eyes forever on that scarlet ball. Instead, now it was a blue ball..."Ligatenous."
The chains lashed out...and then this they connected with one of the blue balls zipping through the air. SQUEAK!
...and she might have been victory bouncing around...
And Ves apparently found a ton of inspiration, since she was doing great now. He watched her for a second, grinned, and then turned his attention upward again.
More defense maybe? That had been fun.
Sure. Why not?