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:: Ganymede set her jaw and took a few steps forward, she now was standing on a blanket.
Taking a deep breath, she finally thought about the moment. Ganymede lowered her wand. "Just give me a blanket and then you can go back to stuffing your face." She growled out, staring at the girl amongst the pile of softness.
Ganymede had this feeling of fire in the pit of her stomach. Her lack of consequences at home fueled her lack of control of her own behavior. She wanted a blanket, and if the situation escalated, she was going to enjoy it.
"Well, I can just take one off of you." Ganymede began to reach down, tugging at a blanket. This started to upset some of the dishes that held all the sweets. ::
The lowered wand was appreciated but only because of how much it would have been bad form to hex the girl's face off on the odd chance the Professor actually WAS there somewhere watching. Now they could get to the meat of the matter. The girl wanting a blanket. Wait what? That was it? She came over here huffing and puffing for a blanket?
Lex would have offered to share hers, but not with the way the girl was barking orders and trying to take
her blanket. Slytherins. You couldn't expect much more from them.
The Prefect swatted her hand away forcefully before she could ruin any more of her treats. This was getting ridiculous.
"Knock it off." She said, drawing her own wand, but it wasn't aimed at her, rather it was aimed at the large maple tree just a ways off. The one that was housing all the blankets. With a flick and a levitation spell she sent one flying at the girl's face.
"There. Go nuts. Charm it to fly and then fall into the lake with it. Just leave me alone." She was
trying to enjoy her treats before class started you know. Mer-lin!