For Ella/Ashley! <3 ♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l She slowly opened the doors to hear the sound of clanking pots & scurrying feet. Her blue eyes settled on the sight of...ELVES? There were House Elves working the kitchens? Josette had read about them back at home & even her father told her that they used to have one before she was born. But she had never actually been this close to them before, & her curiosity was getting the better of her. Thankfully for her, she was too afraid to actually go up to them, seeing as to how busy at work they were cooking.
She adjusted her hat making sure none of her hair was showing before walking towards an empty table. On the way, she'd noticed other students in the kitchens as well, one of them looked familiar to her, but she couldn't quite remember where she'd seen her before.
Josette paused as she stood at the empty table unsure of what she should bake. She did promise herself that she'd bake something special for her father, just to let him know that she was thinking about him. Although...he'd never actually taught her how to bake exactly. But how hard could that could be right? Now, to find the baking stuff! The little first year began searching around the kitchens, going through each cabinets as she tried to find: a bowl, a spoon, eggs, milk, flour...and sugar?
Once doing so, her slow-moving body was once again back at her claimed table. She put her stuff down before taking a moment to breathe, kind of feeling out of breath. That was something that she still found very random; how slow she was moving, her grey hair, let alone the wrinkles that she was trying her best to hide. This didn't make any sense to her, she was only eleven years old, why was she suddenly turning into an OLD person!? It didn't make any sense to her! Maybe she should go see the healer or something? Or maybe her Quidditch Captain Mo could tell her what was wrong with her, he seemed to be pretty wise. Probably she could do this after she baked her cake?!
She then struggled for a few moments to open the new bag of flour, until it finally ripped open. Josette wasn't sure how much flour she should put in it, so she just gripped onto the bag with both of her hands and used all of her strength to try to pour some flour into the empty bowl. But just then-'OH NO!' The flour not only went into the bowl, but onto the table, & even the floor. She gasped pulling the bag back & suddenly a flour cloud flew into her face making her cough immediately unable to breathe for a few moments. Alright now that that was done...eggs. How many eggs? Hmm...well she did want to make a pretty cool cake for her father, so lets do four! And then add the milk & sugar. Within a few moments the first year was using her spoon mixing away at her creation, until it soon became very difficult for her to stir anymore. Her mixture had suddenly become really think & she was having a hard time turning her spoon in the bowl. She soon put the bowl down feeling out of breath again for a moment before she suddenly got frustrated grabbing the spoon again trying to stir, but it seemed her creation was winning this battle and she couldn't get it to budge.
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