The twelve year old looked up when the Flying Lady addressed him and Ian.
"Thanks, Professor!'' he said, glad that she had noticed their hard work.
Originally Posted by
Edward Penguin Ian was still in the midst of scratching the stubble when Adi exclaimed about his own facial hair. Yeah. I suppose so. I hadn't really paid attention to it. I mean, I came to school smooth skinned, but dad is kind of hairy and I assumed it was the time for me to begin growing it too. Granted, his stubble was white as opposed to red, but as he spent little time gazing in the mirror, he didn't pay it any mind.
Ian listened with interest as Adi spoke of the other things he was dealing with and then the new kid, Adi met. From time to time he would look down at the broom to make sure his polish was being applied evenly and the sheen was coming to the top coat. I don't think I met any of the durmstrang people last year. He added a question So who did you meet?
Adi looked a bit closer and saw that Ian's beard was white. That meant he too was being affected by...whatever they all were being affected by.
"So I take it you don't mind beards?''
Adi was now finishing up on this second broomstick. He was giving the second half of the handle the second coat. He was feeling mighty pleased with his work.
"I didn't actually meet with them,'' the Puffer continued, now examining the completed broomstick. "
I stayed away from them. They reeked of trouble and they all seemed so serious. You remember the trouble they caused in classes and around the castle.'' Right. This stick was done. Adi braced it next to the others and grabbed another one.
"So, Ian. What happened at the Tree House.'' He wasn't going to let that go.