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Adi noticed Ian avoided his question about how he lost the ten points and figured his friend did not want to speak about it. That was okay. He would respect that decision. For now.

The beard? Adi did just what any sensible person would do.
"I shaved it off. I hate beards.''
"Okay, I'm done with this broomstick, Ian. I'll go get a couple more of them for us to work on.'' In the meantime, what did he do with this one? Errr. In the end, Adi decided he would just have it lean it against the wall so that the polish would finish up drying. He did just that and hobbled off for more.
The Puffer finally returned with an armful of brooms and deposited them in front of Ian.
"Here you go.'' He grabbed one for himself and set to work.
Ian noticed that Adi seem to let the question go about the lost house points. How it had happened was a little embarrassing, especially since it involved another incident with Bart. Ian looked a little surprised about the shaving part.
Really? How come you hate beards? It seemed like a legit question. Ian absent-mindedly scratched the stubble on his cheek.
Ian looked at the broom he was working on as Adi got up and he was about done. Just needed to buff it a little more to get a nice shine on it. As Adi set down the handful of brooms, Ian set his against the wall next to Adi's and grabbed another one.
He began to examine it for scratches and got some polish on his rag and began to fill the scratches in. He looked over to Adi and asked,
So what else is going on with you? Meet anyone interesting around the school?