Text Cut: hpluvr037
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hpluvr037 Ma'am? When was the last time a student had addressed her in that way? Wait.. don't try to remember. It's not worth it. "An excellent question. I believe West was going to work on getting some water. He can go into detail on the actual process." It was quite lengthy, actually. "Really the twigs just need a light soak so the built-up debris rinses off. Then some people give it a good hot air charm so the twigs don't get soggy. As for trimming, there are several pairs of clippers in the box here," she indicated the cardboard box on her right, "and just trim off anything that sticks out of the curves that are already present." Not too hard, right?
Of course it was excellent. Sophie was just made of excellence, after all. Wait a minute...West? Why was West teaching the class? Sophie glanced around. She noted West giving out some instructions and sort of nodded to herself. Right. West teaching the class.
Did this mean she could get more house points?!
Sophie had already started polishing a broom, so she needed to finish that first. She continued rubbing down the broom with polish, making sure to reach every possible angle. She remembered that she was supposed to let it dry before applying a second coat, so she did that, too. Finally, she was ready to add that second coat. She repeated everything she'd done before, and pretty soon, the broom was all polished and new. She rinsed it off then laid it out to dry.
Text Cut: Tegz
Originally Posted by
Tegz "Alright sure." West responded to Tyner agreeably and began half-filling a couple of buckets with warm water, and then he measured a cleaning solution into the buckets too. Was that Toby kid going to join him then? Based on his question.. yeah? No? Whichever.
"Okay anyone who wants to help out over here, make sure you follow the steps right, okay? We can start a chain, pass the clean ones down to the clippers and polishers." He took a seat with a bucket in front of him between his feet, and two towels over his knee. West picked a broom up and submerged the twigs in the solution.
"Let it soak for a minute and then gently stir the broom in the solution clockwise ten times." He said. "Dirt effects how brooms fly. Its the first thing you should do if you're cleaning or maintaining your own broom too." Even before clipping or polishing. "Try not to slosh it too much either." He started stirring gently, counting in his head to ten times.
"Then we let it sit another minute and stir counter-clockwise ten times. Then we lift it out and let the solution drip back into the bucket. Once that is done we wrap the towels around the twigs. We do that so that the liquid remaining gets soaked up from the twigs, and also to keep outside gunk off the twigs while they dry. Then we can give them to polish people, and they can do the handles."
HOPEFULLY people doing polish knew what they were doing and all. West would just focus on this side of things.
Sophie moved a little closer to where West was giving out instructions then took a seat. Right. A chain. She could handle that. That meant she'd sort of always know what was going on, and no confusion was what Sophie was all about. Sophie followed West's lead and submerged the twigs of a broom in water. After a minute, she gently stirred the broom in the solution ten times in a clockwise direction.
She wondered what would happen if she stirred in the other direction...
She let the broom sit for another minute then stirred again in the opposite direction. She guessed this just made sure all the dirt came off. She lifted the broom and let it drip back into the bucket. She followed that with wrapping a towel around the twigs.
Then she passed it on down the line.