Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 01-29-2014, 12:26 PM   #180 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lucas L. Rodemiere
Third Year

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Yes, they were going to make bets on chocolate. "I have lots where that comes from. Do you want to bet me to do something first? If I can do it, you can give me 10 Chocolate Frogs, and if I can't, I will give you 10." That was a good number, she figured. It was the same one that she had made in her bet with Bay at the start of the Term.

Nod. That was true. "I want to see them loads over the summer as well as my friends." She would be so sad if she didn't see her friends for a long time. Lux did not like being alone, she always wanted to be with people and have fun! She lived to be active. She smiled when he thanked her. "I'm just telling you the truth, I would help you if I could." Her friends were so helpful with her, and she wanted to return the favour to them.

"I really hope you are right about that. And you can maybe see me fly when I am better at it." She wanted to show Lucas and her other friends what she could do on a broom once she stopped being scared. And as soon as she could fly on one properly, she wanted to start practicing for Quidditch. Hopefully she would get good at it, or she would not be able to play and her dream would be over. "I am so excited to watch Quidditch with you!" They were going to have so much fun and she was sure that James would come to, and she could get to know him properly too. She wanted to know Lucas' brother well.

Errr, yeah. She was not going to let a ghost walk through her any time soon. Shudder. "Sir. Nick spoke to me at the feast, and I was scared so I hid into Bay and Tessa and Bay protected me." She still did not like ghosts at all even though they had told her that they were harmless and actually here to help. The concept of dead people walking around gave her the heebie jeebies.

Lux could definitely see how that would be his fear, as he did seem to have issues with nervousness and awkwardness. "You say a lot of smart things though! I don't think you have said anything to me that would be embarrassing." He really underestimated himself! She waited to see if he had another question to ask her, and if not that was okay because she still was having a lot of fun talking to him.
Pressure was on, that was for sure.

Lucas thought long and harrrrrrrd. Well. "I bet you can't do a handstand." He eyed her. She wasn't a gymnast was she? HMMMMMM? Hopefully not. He'd have to go to Hogsmeade and buy chocolate frogs if he lost.

"Is your sister older or your brother?" Fascinating. PEOPLE were fascinating. Lucas wanted to knowwwwww stuff. What were they like? What did they do? Man. His face went a bit soft when she said she was only being honest. "I know, I know, uh, well.. it's just. Nice. It's nice. Thanks. And the same.. obviously, I , uh.. would do the same. For you. Duh." BLUSH.

This summer was kind of going to be awesome. AWESOME. SERIOUSLY AWESOME. "Why do you want to be a professional quidditch player, though?" What if she HATED flying? What if she HATED Quidditch. I mean, that would suck but there would be plenty she'd be good at.
"UH HUH. You better show up in green and gold, or ELSE. Unless you support.. like the Arrows or the Harpies." But even so, that meant chocolate wagers on the games outcome and well, Lucas thought that was a delicious idea.

"Aw, but he's COOL!" Nick was weird, sure and he liked to play with his head wound a little much but he was funny. "What about the Friar? He's your house ghost!" Surely he'd been nice to an lil' Puff! "I think it's sad though that they have to stick around. It must be annoying that you're alive but not reaaaally alive."

He DID? Lucas kind of BEAMED at that. "Ya huh, but it takes a while for me to be like not stuttery and silly. Like.. you know I'm better with people I know. People that I feel comfortable around." But before that level of amicability came awkward blushing and stilted conversation.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________

_________________________________.....Fidget works too.
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